Our Battle Cry

Christ the Victor Churches live the victory of Jesus, seek the advance of his kingdom in the city, and stand on the ancient Christian faith.  

CTV lives the spectacular story of the victory of God’s kingdom through Jesus Christ.

The story of the Bible is the victory of God’s kingdom through Jesus Christ.

The eternal God our Lord is the creator and ruler of all things. In pride, Satan rebelled against the Lord’s reign and ignited a cosmic war. Human beings, created in God’s own image, joined the rebellion by obeying Satan, the ancient serpent. God’s world was plunged into darkness and subjected to sin and death. Yet, in his infinite mercy, the Lord promised to send a Savior to crush evil and redeem his creation. God sent his own Son, Jesus, down from heaven to invade the dark realm of Satan. Through Christ’s life, death, resurrection, and ascension, the devil is defeated.When Jesus sat down at the right hand of the Father, he sent his Holy Spirit to empower us, the church, as we declare his victory in all the earth, and call everyone everywhere to flee the oppressive reign of the devil and to enter the blessed kingdom of his Son. Very soon, the Lord will completely conquer Satan and all demonic activity, and destroy sin and death, and he will establish his eternal kingdom.As followers of Christ, we are privileged to faithfully represent Christ as the Victor and coming King who destroys the works of the devil. The fight is on!

CTV seeks a movement of churches that aggressively pursues the advance of the Kingdom of God by the power of the Holy Spirit.

By the will and power of the Lord, Christ the Victor will be an unstoppable global movement of CTV churches,which declare and demonstrate the victory of the kingdom of God through Jesus Christ.We will experience warm fellowship and shared spirituality in vibrant churches of common identity and practice that confess and embody the richness and depth of the ancient Christian faith. We will empower the least in the world’s eyes to be great in the kingdom of God. We will prayerfully and aggressively seek the advance of God’s kingdom, stopping at nothing to win the hardest, darkest and poorest places in our cities for Christ.

CTV stands on the ancient Christian faith as it has been believed and practiced everywhere, always, by all.

  • A shared spirituality centered on Christ and celebrated through the church year
  • An historic theology anchored in Scripture and summarized by the Nicene Creed
  • A focused mission committed to reproduction that results in indigenous church planting movements